First Goal and Plan from TrainAsONE ®

What is a sport life without a goal? I don`t know but I feel I need one to get started.
So here it is.
September 16, 2018
Half marathon 21.0975km or 13.1 miles  in 1h45min  (4:59min/km or 8:00min/mile)

Running Pace Calculator (for example) (here you get a time table)

This means I have 16 weeks to prepare for this run.

What thinks the Race Predictor from my Garmin Forerunner 735XT  about this.

Race Predictor

OK 1:51:19. There is room for improvement.

TrainAsONE ®

In the distant past I had fixed training plans which I tried to follow, but this was in the best case hard, in the worst case I failed.
So I thought why not try something new and I found
The statements on their site sounded promising:

  • Personal
  • Flexible & Adaptable
  • Unique
  • Award winning AI (Artificial Intelligence) running coach

They have a free and a paid plan (£6.00/month. Attention please, this is in British Pounds).
Details can be found here:
For trying it out, I will stay with the free plan, which has one active race goal.
Especially interesting is this AI (Artificial Intelligence) running coach, which will adapt the training plan to your fitness level, goals, weather etc.

Also important for me is the possibility to load the training’s onto the Garmin Forerunner and get guided training seasons from the watch.

This looks for example like this. It is a 3.2 km Assessment run.





When I know more about TrainAsONE ®  and the AI features, I will write it in one of the next posts.

Just to clarify things. I’m not working for any of the above mentioned companies nor do I get any money or any other benefits from them. It’s all my own opinion. If this changes I will state it clearly. Thanks for reading. 

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